About rand soellner

Home Architects design custom residences across the USA: small, medium, large and gigantic, all based on what our clients want. We work hard every day, with people just like you, to merge your desired lifestyle and land. If you want a lakeside cottage, a sprawling mountain castle or a suburban compact home, we can do it.

Beware of certain emails

We all receive many emails every day.  However, be on the lookout for emails addressed to you that have subject lines that have any of following:

Invoice #7832456-4456 (whatever number)
IRS lawsuit against you
Website design
Your website problems
Any emails with many exclamation points!!!!!!!
Or other interesting, but curious subject titles

You should assign such emails to your Junk mail (Spam) folder and delete them daily.  The above are part of some of the latest email spammer tricks and scams to try to induce you to open those emails.  The mere act of your doing so could unleash horrible viruses into your computer (you should have Norton or other quality virus protection software, by the way).  Or, those emails could demand that you phone the sender or email them, with your birth date, social security number and other identity information that could allow them to steal your identity.  Or cookies could be released into your computer, tracking your every key stroke and reporting them back to the evil sender, who can then steal your information and charge thousands of dollars in your name, obtain loans in your name and do other financial damage to you, or hold your computer ransom (this is happening more each day).

And the emails that come to you with provocative names or overt suggestions: think about that.  Even if you are an attractive person, single and interested, why would any person you don’t know be trying to come on to you through the Internet?  Seriously.  They are trying to get your wallet or pocketbook or wherever you keep your money.

As former political figures have said: “Just say no.”  Or better yet, don’t say anything at all: assign the sender to Spam/junk on your email software and then delete them.  Never, ever open them.

While you’re at it: every evening  or whenever the end of your day occurs, consider doing the following:
Daily: Back up all the new work your company has done that day:
Do this at least twice: to an external hard drive and to a portable flash drive (that you can take in your pocket).  This will not only save your practice from computer malfunctions, it will also allow you to never be held hostage by an evil computer criminal who may have managed to hack their way into your computer and has shut you down, until you pay them a ransom.  Always have fresh copies of your firm’s data in your pocket.  Buildings can burn down, but you will have your data right with you, every day.

Safe computing, everyone!



Global ArCHexComm

Yesterday evening, as every Wednesday night, the ArCHexComm gathered together virtually, via Skype video conference.

Only this time something was different.  ArCH has a new member from “Down Under”: Dion Seminara, ArCH, Architect from Morningside, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.  Dion’s firm: DS Architecture creates amazing high-end multi-million dollar custom residential projects in the greater Queensland area.

Topics discussed at yesterday’s video conference included:
ArCHdes™, Global Economy, Keeping Clients advancing their projects, as well as staffing securement/testing/retention/ownership transition.

In brief, here are some highlights of these conversations with this global perspective:

ArCH has 10 firms (worldwide) with 18 projects so far participating.  Anyone who would like to “squeak in the back door” will be allowed to submit their fees up to and including on the day the project submittals are due: 3/9/2016.

Global Economy and its Impact on Residential Architecture
The USA is in a current upward trend, which bodes well for ArCH’s members across the USA.  However, we have been sheltered from other matters in a global context.  For instance, Dion Seminara, ArCH, QLD, Australia, said that there is a GFC (Global Finanical Crisis) happening right now as far as Australia’s economy is concerned which has created a downturn in that region of the planet.  Dion said that Australia has been, to some degree, dependent on a healthy Asian marketplace and the current downturn in China has negatively impacted Australia.  He also said that Resources (mining, especially) has fallen back, slowing construction, as that country is heavily dependent on mining operations to grow that economy.  Not many American Architects are aware of these matters, which could end up impacting the rest of the planet at some point. We are not an island, financially any more; everything is connected.  In other words: prepare for a possible downturn: save, perhaps put expansion plans on hold for a while and be fiscally conservative in general.  Now is probably a good time to try to engage as many new projects as possible so that your firms will have a substantial workload onboard, should the future hold some period of lagging that could make obtaining future projects more difficult.

Architectural Staffing/Transitioning Ownership
Considerable time was spent discussing the vetting process for new staff at architectural firms.  Mr. Seminara reviewed his firm’s 8-Step review procedures for possible new employees, which included:
1.  Skill review
2.  Responsiveness/Relevancy Ability: emailing multiple questions every day (prior to in interview) to observe candidate’s timely & prompt responsiveness as well and appropriateness in terms of answering the questions posed.  This also includes observing the candidate’s composition, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation skills, which can be very telling as to how they will represent your firm and respond to you.
3.  References
4.  Personality Test
5.  3 month temporary contract employment, possibly extended to 12 month probation.
6.  Capability Test (3 to 4 hours)
Includes, design, detailing, various multi-tasking skillsets.
7.Maturity Level of staff
Seeking often older, more experienced staff that can hit the ground running rather having to be trained, and that are serious about their work and that want a job for the long-term.
8.  Job Description
Questions: “I am good at_________________” .
To help them determine whether they can multi-task or excel at particular skills.

Other issues discussed involved methods of company ownership transition: in other words: if you presently own your company, how you can obtain a health sales price of your company, giving you a retirement nestegg and continuation of your firm, after you retire.  Rodney Kazenske, ArCH, NCARB, Denver, Colorado, USA, said that his firm is in the process of documenting their procedures for everything, so it is written in online manuals, accessible to all employees, about the steps involved to accomplish just about any process in the firm.  Don Duffy, ArCH, AIA, Charlotte, North Carolina has previously mentioned how his firm is also in the process of documenting their company’s Quality Control procedures.

Message to us all: if you intend to sell or pass on your company or in any way hope to see it continue, you may want to start documenting how you do things.  Put in on your computer server and give all staff members access to this information so that everyone knows what to do, like you do.


So, in summary: ArCH is discovering, first hand, that we, as Licensed Residential Architects around the planet, all have similar issues to deal with each day in our professions and the sharing of our professional lives together creates a wealth of rich experience from which we can draw valuable information to help us all in our practices, anywhere on the planet.  ArCH takes the pulse of residential architecture every week through direct discussions with our members around the globe.

ArCH: Licensed Residential Architects Connected Around the World

Become an Award Winning Architect

Become an award winning Architect.
It’s surprisingly easy.  And economical.

The answer?  ArCHdes™, the Design Excellence Selection program at ArCH: Architects Creating Homes.

And at only $49 per project entered, what a value!
You must be a member of ArCH to enter.  However, at only $159/year membership dues, ArCH is the leading value in architectural organizations on the planet.  Need reasons to join ArCH?  Click here: Reasons to join ArCH.

If your firm is new, or if you’ve never won a design award before, or if your company needs to distinguish itself with an award for its designs, or if it hasn’t won an award for a while, then ArCHdes™ may be the awards program for you.  ArCHdes™ is focused on design awards for residential architecture.  ArCH (Architects Creating Homes) is the organization behind it.
ArCH is the global unified voice of Licensed Architects who design homes on Earth.

Check it out: ArCHdes™

If you know you are designing high-quality residential projects, why not become an award winning Architect?  Let the rest of the world know how good you are.  Document it with an award.  But you can’t win an award if you don’t at least try, by entering ArCHdes™.
Deadline for entry fees: 2/29/2016.
Deadline for entry submittals: 3/9/2016 3PM EDT (NYC time).

ArCHdes design awards program interview on EntreArchitect

ArCH was recently interviewed on Mark LePage’s EntreArchitect popular Internet Podcast show.  Mark discussed the ArCHdes™ design awards program with Jennifer Garcia, ArCH (Tampa, FL) and Rand Soellner, ArCH (Cashiers, NC).

Jennifer offered her insights as the owner of a small architectural business headquartered in the SE USA and how helpful it would be to become the recipient of a prestigious architectural design award, particularly for the design of custom homes, which is the focus of her practice in western Florida.  Her thoughts are that the posting of the JPG or PDF of this award on her website would call attention to her potential and existing Clients that her company creates quality architectural design.  And that’s got to be a good thing for attracting more business.

Click here to find out more about the”–> ArCHdes™ program.


Soellner asked some penetrating questions, such as: “What’s the purpose of a design awards program supposed to be?
1.  Enriching the hosting organization?
2.  Celebrating the capabilities of residential Architects?”
Soellner said that ArCH seeks to shine the light on its members and to consistently offer programs and features that are a Value to those members.

Ms. Garcia underscored this philosophy by pointing out that the entry fee for each project in the ArCHdes™ program is only $49.  And that the membership fee to join ArCH is only $159.


to see the entire interview click on the image below:

ArCHdes design awards program

ArCH 2016 Agenda

Hello ArCHmembers; welcome to the new year 2016.  Your ArCH ExComm has established the 2016 ArCH agenda:

2016-10.  ArCHdes™ design awards program
(all is ready and waiting for the “trigger” to be pulled on 22,000+ licensed Architects to receive the ArCHdes notice via email blast.
There are mixed opinions as to whether or not this will stimulate growth exponentially, or it will be ignored.  Time will tell.  ArCHdes™ is the Only design awards program on Earth in which licensed Architects who design homes can expect to be recognized with an award for houses that look like homes (even though avant-garde designs will also be recognized).
2016-15.  ArCHmms (Membership Management Software) creation and implementation through consultants.  Current consultant approach is to create new HTML custom membership applications (for both initial applications and membership renewals (in lieu of WuFoo), that would allow automatic population of the ArCHmembership spreadsheet roster/record of members. ArCHmemershipRoster would then exist on our hosted server. Also: concept is to link PayPal/WooCommerce records to this spreadsheet though custom software on the ArCHwebsite by our website consultants. They believe this is the most economical and straightforward approach to give us the automation we need at this point.
2016-20. ArCH eMagazine (possibilities being considered).
2016-30. Possible part-time help. Could become full-time if many new members join due to the 20k email blast list for ArCHdes™.
2016-40. Manufacturers putting products on ArCHwebsite. Fees?
2016-50. More reciprocal ads on other websites. Barter system.

2016-60. Need ArCH magazine article (not an interview) that indicates that we exist (that is key to Wikipedia).
2016-70. ArCHcrafts (2017)
2016-80. Global outreach: ask e-marketing consultant for email list that contains all architects on the planet.
2016-90. ArCH-eCon?
2016-100. Annual ArCH-e-con? With e-presentations. Break into groups online. Some canned webinars with manufacturers.

2016-110. How to do the above electronics: ask our website consultants.
2016-120. ArCHmembers-putting projects on the menu on some kind of presentation board.
2016-130. Ask the Architect™ webpage/section. With ArCHmembers volunteering.
2016-140. “How to read architectural plans”ongoing article on the ArCH website for comments by ArCHmembers for public consumption.
2016-150. ArCHceu program continuation.—need more ArCHmember help. Need to get this going nationwide in the other 49 states.
2016-160. possible new ArCHvideo?

Also open to additional suggestions by members, however, there is only so much time in a year.  We have taken on and accomplished an amazing amount of organizational efforts in ArCH’s short lifespan and we look forward to continued, long-term healthy growth.

Your ArCH ExComm.

Car Buying Discounts for ArCHmembers

Car Buying Discounts for ArCHmembers is about how ArCHmembers can obtain just about the lowest prices for new vehicles in the eastern USA. Just one more benefit of being an ArCHmember.

This doesn’t require you to go through any complicated procedures.  You can directly hook up with the what is likely the least expensive auto dealer in the eastern USA, obtained as a result of focused research by ArCHmembers during recent car-buying experiences.

See the ArCHintro page for new ArCHmembers to see where to buy your vehicle for the best deal possible (so far in the eastern USA).

No more “intern Architects”

In a bold move during 2015, NCARB led a task force of aspiring architects, members of the AIA, NCARB members and others to finally come to an elegant solution:

If you are NOT a licensed, registered Architect, then you aren’t an Architect of any kind.  Period.

You become an Architect when you pass the licensing test(s) in any State in the USA (or in other countries, through their respective licensing authorities).

ArCH regards this as a good thing.  It clarifies the use of the title Architect, one that has been abused beyond recognition in our culture.  Now, if only other organizations will eliminate the title “Associate “XYZ””, perhaps the public will come to better understand who is who and that you are not officially an Architect until certain legal conditions are met.  This is why ArCH does Not have an Associate ArCH status.  You either are an Architect or you are not.  And if you are, you can become a member of ArCH and use that acronym after your name, letting the world know that you are licensed and a member of a professional society of other Licensed Architects.


This is in no way trying to be harsh to aspiring Architects. We were all there at one time.  It is, of its very nature, a difficult path to travel.  It simply reflects that in ArCH’s opinion, responsible architectural organizations should be taking a direction that seeks to clarify to the public what an Architect is and who they are, rather than increasing membership dues with “associates” that are not Architects, which can delude the public into assuming that they are, because of their membership in a large organization that purports to represent Architects.

ArCHdes Yearly ArCH Design Awards Program

The ArCHdes yearly design awards program is almost ready to launch.  As a matter of fact, many aspects of it are already in place.  Check out these locations for detailed information:

1. ArCHdes Design Excellence Selection awards program page

2.  ArCHdes Design Award Entry Fee product page

3.  This post on the ArCHblog.

After years of discussion and several evolutions of the ArCHdes focus group committee, finally the ArCHdes program has established its first Awards event:

All entries are due by March 9, 2016 3PM.

Oh no!  How to get all those materials printed and FedExed to the jury hotel conference suite?   NOT.
This is the world’s first all-electronic architectural design awards program.  No driving, no printing, no hotels, no “boss” chairman of the jury wielding too much weight in the selection of worthy projects.  And no high costs to enter.  The purpose is to celebrate deserving Architects and their noteworthy projects.  And along the way, perhaps obtain several hundred additional ArCHmembers, as you must be an ArCHmember to enter the awards program.

Please see the above links for more information.  This is an exciting time for ArCH!




ArCH MarCCon System

ArCH-ArMS (Architects Marketing Services has a sub-application for tracking potential Clients: MarCCon (Marketing Client Contacts).

This large spreadsheet template is 3D, meaning that there are multiple sheets, all linked in one file.  And all 28 sheets report to a Master List, that helps you keep track of where you are at with your leads.

Ever feel that you are forgetting something, after you’d received a phone call or email from someone thinking of engaging your firm to become their Architect?  Then after that initial conversation or email, they go away and you never hear from them again?  Because you think: “Oh…if they need me, I guess they’ll get back in touch with me…”

Think again!  They might have forgotten your name.  Or you email address, or can’t remind your website URL.  Or are busy earning a living, or helping their family through some situation.  Any number of reasons that have nothing to do with you.  In other words, it is YOUR obligation to keep them thinking about you.  Puts a new spin on things, doesn’t it?  And if you don’t do something to keep all those leads organized, and what you said when and what they said and what’s supposed to happen next, you’re likely going to lose those leads.  Forever.  Because you’re not organized to handle them.

Well: ArCH MarCCon changes all that!  the ArCH-MarCCon system tracks your leads and keeps them organized.  What you said and when and more important, tracks FOR YEARS INTO THE FUTURE when you need to contact them again.  Don’t lose projects of qualified leads because you don’t know how to nurture them.  Get the ArCH-ArMS system today, which includes ArCH-MarCCon, to make sure your grow those seeds to become bountiful future crops.