The ArCHomes Green ™ program is being developed by ArCH to create a higher level of energy efficiency, sustainability and improved environmental sensitivity than any other existing programs involving residential architecture.
ArCHomes Green ™
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ArCH advocates that all residential architecture should be designed in an energy efficient, environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner. To this end are the following initial thoughts that might be included in discussions of this ArCHomes Green ™ Focus Group:
1. ArCHomes Green ™ is to be an educational system & set of guidelines developed by ArCH, offered as an educational certification to other architects & engineers practicing residential architecture, and a sought after high level green award bestowed upon residential designs meeting or exceeding the ArCHomes Green ™ criteria.
2. Establish prescriptive R-values, glazing and other values of residential materials and components that Improve and go beyond those suggested by the latest editions of the IECC (International Energy Conservation Code) and Energy Star. For example, see 2015 IECC page R-30 (Table R402.1.2).
3. List procedures and other criteria to lower the carbon footprint of creating and building each residential project.
a. materials to come from no farther than 400 miles away to lower the energy consumption required to transport materials, similar to LEED policies, but improving on them.
b. a minimum of 2 smaller dumpsters to be required for all new residential projects before starting construction: one for land fill debris, one for items to be recycled.
c. other items…
4. List common sense roof shading principles to lower heat gain on glass, door and wall areas during hot & warm weather and allow sun penetration during cold months.
5. Advocate usage of materials with lower embodied energy.
6. Advocate usage of materials that are sustainable, reusable and recyclable.
7. Additional items.
8. Create the educational process to attaining the ArCHomes Green ™ Certification.
a. This could be a revenue source for ArCH, as well as for helping the Green initiative.
b. A simple online test could be established, verifying that each person wishing to become certified was familiar with the principles and R-values and other criteria established by the program. The intent is that this be easy to learn and easy to implement so that any architect anywhere can use the information to make home designs better everywhere.
9. Create the PhotoShop & PDF Certification form.
10. Develop Public Awareness program recognizing the achievement of attaining this professional certification.
11. Develop the process of certifying and awarding ArCHomes Green ™ Award to residential projects meeting the criteria of the program.
a. This could be a revenue source for ArCH, as well as for helping the Green initiative. The idea is to reward, with public recognition, worthy home designs that illustrate superior Green principles.
12. Create the PhotoShop & PDF Award form.
13. Develop Public Awareness program for ArCHomes Green ™ award winners each year.