About rand soellner

Home Architects design custom residences across the USA: small, medium, large and gigantic, all based on what our clients want. We work hard every day, with people just like you, to merge your desired lifestyle and land. If you want a lakeside cottage, a sprawling mountain castle or a suburban compact home, we can do it.

Powerful New Tablet Runs Revit, AutoCAD, Office

Powerful New Tablet Runs Revit, AutoCAD, Office: Microsoft (MS) today 10/6/2015 released their new Surface Pro 4 tablet .

What’s remarkable about this little bundle of joy is that it can run FULL versions of MS Office (unlike most other tablets out there), and for a gigantic surprise, it and its predecessor (Surface 3) can run Revit and AutoCad.  Amazing.

The new Surface Pro 4 can be had with a full powered Intel Core i7 CPU and up to 1TB of onboard storage and enough graphics umph to run a 4K giant monitor.  Unbelievable.  But I saw multiple videos today that convinced me.  Those, plus I personally phoned, emailed and video chatted with two MS employees today in both sales and tech.  They confirmed the above.

I happened to be looking because I wanted a powerful, but small tablet to run full Excel so that I can use it for home inspections, using software that one of my companies is developing for that sector.  And the 1.6 pounds is a big difference from the previous laptops I’ve tried to lug around to handle that.

ArCH’s own Rodney Kazenske sent me a couple of videos showing people running Revit on the Surface 3:

If those don’t convince you, I don’t know what will.  And those are both on the PREVIOUS version of the Surface, not the new one that just came out today.

I think I’ll order one, customized with the cool stuff and all the horsepower and use it as my backup computer to my PC, and also enjoy the mobility of being able to use it in the field.  That ought to be around $2,699.  However, you can get the basic version with less of everything for around $899.

Best of luck to all of you.

New ArCH video now running

New ArCH video is now running on the ArCHwebsite:


About time.  ArCH created this video because it didn’t exist anywhere else on the planet until now: a high-quality video, dedicated specifically to helping licensed Architects who design houses explain to their potential Clients just exactly what the values are that come with Architects designing homes.


See this new information-packed video here:

Value of a Licensed Residential Architect


The creation of public information videos like this is just one of the many ways ArCH helps their membership along with Architects of homes everywhere to be more successful and to help the world understand what they do and why.


All Architects are hereby licensed by ArCH to post this video on their websites, using it in its complete length, and unaltered.  Show your potential Clients why they should be hiring you to design their residential project.  If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a movie is worth a million.




Marketing Architects

Marketing Architects: we all try to market what we do, but few of us have any defined “system” that helps us in that regard.

ArCH recently launched ArMS™ (Architects Marketing Services), a professional marketing system for Architects.

ArMS™ is now an ArCHproduct, available for purchase here: ArCH-ArMS™

Presently, ArMS™ is composed of not one, but 3 subsystems, working together like pistons in a powerful engine.

The first subsystem: ArCH-ArMS: INTRO™, which includes a detailed process diagram with substantial guide notes, leading the Architect through the steps of offering an INTROductory modest service, and illustrating how this can lead to Closing The Deal for  full-service architectural project.

The second subsystem: ArCH-ArMS: MarCCon™ (Marketing Client Contacts), tracks potential Client communications, alerting you to when you, as the Architect being considered, needs to make a future contact and the nature of that communication.  Includes multiple single-potential Client contact record spreadsheets, all linked to a Master List, that automatically loads critical contact dates from the individual contact sheets.

The third subsystem: ArCH-ArMS: PCY™ (PeopleCallYou), is a checklist process the guides the marketing Architect to develop features for themselves and their company that results in improving the likelihood that People Contact You. This miracle happens for the ArCHmembers that have employed these methods.  And this is where every marketing Architect wants to be: people calling you, rather than you making cold calls.

If you are a marketing Architect (which is the position of every Architect looking or hoping to obtain future work), you may want to further investigate the ArCH-ArMS™ system.  Real world methods and systems that work for real Architects, on the ground, who have obtained and who are receiving new Clients through these methods.  These are not “hoped-for” procedures dreamed of by marketing people, but rather, known techniques from successful Architects who use these systems to get new work.


ArCHglobal is now real

ArCH is now a global organization.  On 9-9-2015, between 8:30PM and 9:30PM the ArCHglobal proposition was discussed, proposed, voted upon and approved by the ArCH ExComm in attendance: Don Duffy, ArCH, Bennett Sabatier, ArCH, Rodney Kazenske, ArCH, and Rand Soellner, ArCH, each representing various geographic regions around the United States.


What this means:
ArCHmembership is still limited to Licensed Architects only.  However, now those Licensed Architects may be from any country on the planet, not only from the USA.  This means that previously, there were around 107,000 Licensed Architect that could have joined ArCH from the USA.  Now, there are approximately a million Licensed Architects throughout the world that can join, if they wish to do so.


This is a huge step forward for ArCH.  It now has the capacity to become part of a global population of Architects about ten times the size of its prior USA limited membership. Please join ArCH in celebrating this giant step forward into the mid- 21st Century.


On September 9, 2015, the ArCH ExComm (Executive Committee) will be discussing and voting on the ArCHglobal proposition.  Quite simply, this approval will result in the ArCH American organization becoming International and available for membership by Licensed Architects anywhere in the world.

The event that led to this happening was when Pedro Rocha, an Architect in Portugal contacted ArCH about being able to download one of the ArCHpress books: Architectural Residential Specifications from the ArCHwebsite.









He wanted to be honest about his address, but there was no way for anyone outside of the USA to input their legitimate address.  Pedro is obviously a very honest guy.  Therefore, Rand Soellner, ArCH started thinking about why ArCH had to be exclusively American.  Perhaps remain American-based, sure, but why not open membership to other Architects around the world?  Especially those who focus on residential architecture?

After having several conversations with other ArCHmembers, there was, by and large, an enthusiastic response from ArCH.  The ArCH ExComm reviewed with legal counsel regarding global issues and soon realized that nothing really prevents membership from being global.  This appears to be something that is very likely going to happen, after due discussion and deliberations.  We will soon see.


ArCH is presently available to about 105,000 licensed Architects in the USA.  It is estimated that there are perhaps 1,000,000 (one million) Architects worldwide at the present time.  In other words, ArCH will have 10 times its present potential membership when it decides to accept international members.









Get Your Design From An Architect


Believe it or not, this is a true representation of a situation that is occurring, right now, in various locations in the USA, brought to ArCH’s attention by some of their members who have to deal with this on a daily basis.  These ArCHmember Architects are in regions where, unfortunately, many consumers (homeowners) go to a residential builder (rather than an Architect) to obtain both their design and construction.  BIG MISTAKE, as you’ll see soon…

What can and does happen: consumers at first are delighted when the builder tells them that they will provide their design at little to no cost.  However, the reality is that there is a charge; it is just concealed into other areas of the project, usually during construction and often within the first big payment to the Builder.  Never mind, let’s continue with what else is happening…

The Builder’s efforts at design are usually not as a effective as an Architect’s efforts will be.  The Builder may not investigate the Lifestyle or the Land; they can simply grab an old roll of prints off a dusty shelf and throw that on their desk and say: “Here: how about this?”  Then the hapless homeowners (let’s call them Doug & Wendy) stare at what the Builder has previously done for someone else and is the same house that he/she builds for most of their customers.  And he mentions a lowball price to build it.

Okay, so Doug & Wendy manage to jam their dreams into the container offered by the Builder and now the Builder says he will “confirm the pricing on a few things…just a formality.”  Time goes by.


One day, the Builder calls Doug & Wendy back to his office.  They appear, wondering what this meeting is about.  The Builder, grim-faced, says: “Looks like prices have gone up.  That price I estimated before has got to be increased. ”  He champs on a cigar stub in the corner of his mouth.
Doug & Wendy look surprised, thinking they were buying their house like they would a loaf of bread in a store, where there is the price on the label and they buy it and enjoy it.  Not so with a house..”How much more?”  they ask.
The Builder turns down the corners of his mouth, breathes deeply, then says: “Looks like due to lumber escalation, taxes, HVAC equipment, cost of fuel, my labor, and in general, upward prices, we’re going to have to charge you another $250,000.”  The Builder leans back in his squeaky pleather chair and looks straight into the eyes of his customers.


Doug & Wendy lurch to their feet.  Doug’s face gets red.  He stabs a finger at the Builder and says: “This is highway robbery!  We’re going to take our design somewhere else and get a competitive bid!”
The Builder arches his bushy eyebrows, leans forward, rolls up the dusty prints on his paper-strewn desk, snaps a rubber-band around it, then tosses it onto his credenza, behind him, out of reach of Doug & Wendy.  The Builder hisses: “I don’t think so…”
Doug makes a move to go around the Builder, to be able to grab what he thinks are “his plans.”  The Builder stands up, between Doug and the rolled-up set of drawings.
Doug stops and Wendy looks frightened by the tension in the air.
Doug says: “What is this?  Give us our drawings!”
The Builder says: “Those aren’t your drawings.  They’re mine.  And if you don’t have my company build your house, you don’t get to use them.”  The Builder crosses his arms over his chest, still gnawing on that cigar stub.



Red-faced and nearly apoplectic, Doug backs away from the Builder and retreats to his wife.  Now, they’re starting to understand the disadvantages of having design provided through a Builder: no price-shopping possible.  And you can be held hostage to whatever price increases that Builder may wish to charge…if you want to use his company’s old prints.
Doug & Wendy storm out of the Builder’s office, stiffly walk to their car and burn rubber leaving the parking lot.


Doug & Wendy scour the Internet, vainly searching for what they really wanted, not what that Builder was promoting.  After 6 months, Wendy gives up.  “There’s nothing for free from the Internet that suits our Lifestyle, functional needs or our Land.  What are we going to do?  And bank loan rates are starting to go up.”
Doug thinks about their situation.  “Well, we could buy a cheap set of plans online from some plans library…”
Wendy says: “Yes, but those designs aren’t very attractive, and none of them suits how we want to live, the arrangement of rooms, and they don’t have the large kitchen I want, the extra office for you, the 4 car garage we want and the tall and wide glass areas we want off the back, facing the great view we have toward the mountains.”



Doug & Wendy join hands and look into each others’ eyes.  “What are we going to do?” Wendy asks no one in particular, more a plea to the Universe.
Doug suddenly stands up.  “What?” asks Wendy.
“I remember seeing a sign on a new house construction site on my way home…”
“Yeah, so?  Was it for the Plumber or something?” asks Wendy.
“No,” says Doug, “It was for the Architect.”
“Architect?” asks Wendy, “We can’t afford an Architect!”
“Well, we certainly can’t afford to have a Builder horse us around, jacking up prices with impunity,” says Doug, grabbing his car keys.  Wendy and Doug dash to their car and drive to the new house construction site.


There, at the new house project site, Doug & Wendy exit their car.  They approach the Architect’s site sign.  Doug pulls a pen and scrap of paper from his pocket and writes down the Architect’s email address, website URL and phone number.
“Can I help you?” comes a voice behind them.
Doug & Wendy whirl around to see a middle-aged man in bluejeans, wearing a tan sport coat over a light blue workshirt, no tie. “I’m Zeke Fortnow, the Architect.  I saw you standing here in front of my site sign, taking note of my information,” he says with a smile, “Is there anything I can do for you?”


Wendy speaks up first: “Well, we don’t think we can afford an Architect but we just had this horrible experience with a Builder who we were getting our design through, and so…”
Zeke smiles broadly.  “I hear that all the time.  Did you know that, depending on the state, regional location and other circumstances, that many people in the United States can afford to have an Architect design their custom homes for about what they might pay for sales tax?”
Doug looks eager.  “Really?  I had no idea!  What a bargain!”
Zeke says: “Well, that does vary, because in some states there is no sales tax.”
Doug says: “Gotcha. Hey: can we talk with you about what we’d like to do for a new house?”
Zeke says: “Sure, tell me all about what you want.  That’s usually where an Architect starts, by listening …”
Doug asks: “But what about a good Builder?”
Zeke says: “I know several great licensed Contractors who build only and who would be happy to competitively bid any house I design for my Clients.  I respect what they do and I don’t try to build.  They respect what I do and they don’t try to design.  That’s the best arrangement for the customer, because they get the best professionals, each doing their best work for them.”


Doug & Wendy smile, greatly relieved that they are now in the hands of a licensed professional Architect who has their best interests at heart.  And: they’re going to get a custom design that suits their Lifestyle & Land perfectly, then they’ll be able to competitively bid it, in order to obtain the best construction price possible.  They have realized that the cost of an Architect is a true value, and only pennies, compared to the big dollars involved with the construction costs.  Being able to take their design and price shop the construction bids is a huge advantage.

ArCHbookstore opens

The ArCHbookstore just opened!  Its first title, written for the ArCHpress is:

Specifications for Residential Architecture.

Oooo.  Sounds like a real page-turner, doesn’t it?  Sure to give Nelson DeMille a run for his money.  Seriously, this title, written for ArCH, focuses on the reasons why all Architects: Commercial and Residential should be including specifications in their project Construction Documents.

specifications for residential architecture

Click on the book cover to go to the product page.

This 45-page e-book is a FREE download.

Residential Architects

Residential Architects is what ArCH:Architects Creating Homes is all about.

ArCH is the only independent national professional organization in America composed exclusively of Licensed Architects who focus on the design of residential architecture.  Residential Architects in good standing who are licensed in at least one state in the USA are eligible to join.  If you are a residential Architect, you should review the ArCHwebsite at:


and take a look around.  Residential Architects are going to find a great deal of information pertaining to their practice and smile as they begin to understand that finally, here is an organization created solely with their type of special practice in mind.

residential architects


Residential Architects Find Friends & Help in ArCH

Residential Architects in America finally have a unified voice in ArCH, which is the only professional architectural society representing the specialized interests of Licensed Architects who design homes.  ArCH is an advocate for Licensed Architects who primarily engage in the design of residential projects.  There are unique issues facing residential Architects and ArCH focuses on these important matters.



ArCH has numerous focus groups with ArCHmembers in them, often meeting virtually via Skype, to share, discuss & solve issues facing residential Architects.  Several ArCH Focus Groups:

•  ArCHceu Focus Group

•  ArCH Client Brochures for Member Firms

•   ArCHcon (convention)

•  ArCHomes Awards     PROGRAM  (ArCHdes)

•   ArCHomesData ™      PROGRAM


•  ArCHmag

•  ArCHpac












There are always new ArCH Focus Groups being added, whenever necessary, to help shine light on the specialized needs of residential Architects.


ArCH committee members often make lifelong friends with each other, sharing knowledge with other committee members and with the entire ArCHmembership, all of whom are residential Architects.  The ArCHwebsite is a gathering place for some of this comradery, with a blog, available to all ArCHmembers to air viewpoints about matters of interest to the membership at large.

residential architects


ArCHproducts/ ArCHstore

ArCH has created many ArCHproducts that help other ArCHmembers run their practices professionally and successfully.  These products are available on the ArCHstore.  All ArCHmembers enjoy deep discounts on all ArCHproducts.  ArCHproducts have all been custom created focused on residential Architects’ practices, to aide them in the operation of their businesses.



ArCH has a FIND AN ARCHITECT page on the ArCHwebsite.  This feature has all ArCHmember companies listed in 4 different ways (for the public to search to find them): 1.  Style of residential architecture,
2.  Location of firm/offices:
a.  geographic region
b.  state, and
3.  Alphabetically by firm name.
From any of these firm name lists, when people click the firm name, that calls up the firm’s page on the ArCHwebsite.  This easy and efficient means allows ArCH member firms to be found through the powerful ArCHwebsite, which is a huge marketing advantage for all ArCH member companies.  Residential Architects is what ArCH is all about.



The main ArCH cycling slide show is available to feature any ArCHmember’s projects, providing additional global exposure for any member so interested.  The key is that each project is residential in character, represents outstanding architectural quality and was designed by the ArCHmember or under his/her supervisory control.



Ever ArCH member is helping the cause of residential architecture, when they become a member.  They can also make the choice to do more, by serving on Focus Group committees to deal with issues pertaining to residential Architects.



ArCHmembers take a pledge, as part of the Code of Conduct, to assist their brother and sister Architects when they join the organization.  When you have a problem or issue, you can count on other ArCHmembers to listen with a sympathetic ear and to then offer wise counsel to help you deal with the matters that are important to you and residential architecture.



ArCHmembership provides you with useful information, forms, ways and means that should save you much more than your yearly dues, if you participate.  ArCH is a great value for all residential Architects.



 tags: residential architects

Updated ArCHspec & ArCHsuite content

For those of you that own ArCHspec™ and/or ArCHsuite™: ArCH has recently updated some of the content to reflect the latest best practices of which we are aware, many for which ArCH blazes the trail.  For instance: in Division 1, under the Healthy Building Specification (one of the few architectural healthy specification sections on the planet), ArCH just made it mandatory that the General Contractor hire a licensed radon testing company to test for radon in crawlspaces and basements at that point in construction when those areas are sufficiently contained to hold the atmosphere for proper testing.


Courtesy of The Arizona Geological Survey, Arizona Government.

This links to the Owner Optional Upgrade specification section for enhanced Healthy Building Options which includes a radon removal system (at the owner’s option).  Since the testing itself typically only costs around $125, this seems like a value-added precaution.  Amazing it isn’t required by Building Codes …yet.  It is our job as Licensed Architects to lead the way to Improve Residential Architecture.  This one small test could mean people’s lives.  Did you know that approximately 160,000 people a year die from lung cancer?  And of those, approximately 21,000 people die each year in the USA from radon gas exposure.  Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.  Every home should be tested for radon.  So says the American Lung Association.

Also, some of ArCH’s members are more attuned to radon, also being Licensed Home Inspectors.  Rand Soellner, ArCH, NCARB, LHI said: “My wife is a Real Estate Broker.  She advises all of her Clients to obtain a radon test when buying a house.  Of those, about 1/3 require radon mitigation through the addition of a radon removal system.  If we, as Licensed Architects designing homes for our Clients can make it a requirement for the Contractor who build our Client’s homes to perform this simple and inexpensive test, we have probably saved the lives and improved the health of around 1/3 of our Clients, who may have otherwise met an early horrible illness or death.  That’s just one more reason why the public should engage an ArCH Architect to design and specify their homes.  No other entity can remember all of these procedures, which are built into ArCHspec™, which is the specification system being used by many ArCH Architect members.”

If you’re not using ArCHspec™, buy it.  If you already have it, email ArCH for an update to obtain an upgrade that has this latest radon testing information.  Simple, but effective.

Architects Marketing Group Webinar

Our own Enoch Sears, ArCH, AIA, will be presenting the following webinar along with Eric Bobrow and Richard Petrie.  This is a presentation of the Architects Marketing Academy (AMA).  It appears that this will take place July 9, 2015.  There are a variety of times available in which to reserve your spot.  And, unless I missed something, this information-packed training is being offered FREE!  Enoch, Richard and Eric make a living by helping Architects learn how to better market themselves so that the Architect they help can enjoy more income and more enjoyable practices.  Don’t miss this valuable session.  Click image below to reserve your spot now:
