Why You Need the AOA

The AOA= the ArCH Architect-Owner Agreement.  This agreement was custom tailored over the course of about 30 years with the input of many Attorneys, focused on the business practice of Architects who practice residential architecture. While no agreement is perfect, this one comes closer than others out there in the world.  Check it out here:


This agreement comes as about 8 or 9 pages (printed front and rear = 16+/- actual content pages).  Many Architects over the decades have complained that other agreements from other large organizations try to be everything to everyone, and in so doing, their agreements become way too long and have strikeouts retained in the agreement to cause your client to question your modification of the agreement.  Not with the ArCH AOA: it is in MS Word.  No pesky “sticky” clauses that won’t go away.  No strikeouts being kept in the agreement.  You can tailor the agreement to suit your practice.  Many clauses protect you, as the Architect, with wording that you need to protect your practice.  About time.  the ArCH AOA.  By now and start enjoying your practice much more.