This is the ArCH Membership Application INFORMATION Page, not the actual application, which can only be accessed after you have paid for membership. The application can be accessed by you only on pop-up screens that will appear immediately after you have paid for your membership. So if you pay for your membership, carefully read the bold notices on the pop-up screens that appear just after you make payment; thank you.
However, see below for the information you will need to know to type on your application.
ArCH Membership Committee Decisions
All decisions of the ArCH Membership Committee are final. All Licensed Architects (licensed in at least one State in the United States of America, and/or at least one country in the world) with positive, constructive and courteous attitudes toward other Architects are welcome to be considered for membership. ArCH is open to Architects regardless of gender, faith or race and the Membership Committee does not need or want for these aspects to be declared in your application.
Online Application for Membership:
Only use our online digital application (see link below); that form will automatically send your application to our ArCH Membership Manager. We are delighted that you are interested in ArCH and look forward to the possibility of you adding your own special insights to the direction in which we are all guiding this association together with a unified voice.
ArCH Pledge & Code of Conduct
When you apply for membership, you are agreeing that you have read and will adhere to the ArCH Pledge & Code of Conduct, which is located here:
ArCH Pledge & Code of Conduct
You further understand that should you violate this Code of Conduct that you will receive a warning, and any further violations will result in your removal from membership (with no refund). Note: there is nothing overly demanding in the ArCH Code of Conduct: simply that we must treat each other with courtesy & respect, be an advocate for Licensed Architects and adhere to the laws of our land (along with a few other details: like having constructive solutions to problems we pose).
Please fill out the application form, filling in all blanks (which may have more blanks than are listed below).
1. YOUR NAME (First, Last)
as used on your architectural license(s). If you do not have a current, valid license to practice architecture within the USA in a state (and/or in any country in the world), then unfortunately you do not qualify for membership. After you obtain your license, please try again. If you apply and pay for your membership without actually being a licensed Architect, your application fee will kept as an administrative fee and not refunded and membership will not be granted. It is your responsibility to verify your licensure before applying.
Your website URL (clickable, please) assuming that you have one.
your mailing address.
5. EMAIL ADDRESS (yours)
6. PHONE # (yours)
8.b HOTLINK TO THE LICENSING BOARD RECORD OF YOUR LICENSE on that legal licensing organization’s website, precisely indicating your current record of licensure. This is particularly important for Architect seeking memberships from countries other than the USA.
8.c Screen capture JPG or PDF of the above link showing your license record with your licensing board.
ArCH strongly encourages that you either chair or be a member of at least 2 ArCH Focus Groups after being admitted as an ArCH member. You must be part of the solutions. To see your Focus Group choices, click here:
ArCH Focus Groups. Note: new focus groups are being added all the time. No doubt there are even more to choose from. Just ask your membership contact. Also, the ArCH ExComm (Executive Committee) is carrying out the ArCH Agenda, and has Focus Groups that need your participation; the ExComm may make suggestions to you as to which Focus Group needs which support at a particular time. Your participation is strongly encouraged and needed.
The Membership Management Software functions in a strict sequence, so please pay for your membership first: Click here to see terms of payment and to make payment:
You will see a link after you make payment that you need to click to access the ArCH Application, in the check out process. Please click that link immediately after you pay.
If for some reason, you miss that link, you can Click here to see the ArCH Membership Application:
ArCH Application
First pay for your membership, then fill out the online application, following the instructions on the form. You will likely not be allowed to submit the application before you pay. Note: if you are an Architect, licensed in at least one state in the USA (and/or at least one country in the world), your membership will very likely be approved. If you are Not a licensed Architect and during the application review process it is discovered that you are not licensed, your application fee will be kept as an administrative fee and no membership will be forthcoming, until such time as you become licensed. Basically, you are pre-qualified to join ArCH if you fulfill the enrollment requirements.
Membership dues at present is $159 USD/year paid online on the ArCH website via PayPal as a yearly renewing subscription. This method of payment is encouraged and is being used by most members. If you have no means to pay online and you wish to pay using an American bank whose location is within the USA, then you may send a paper check to ArCH’s P.O. Box (see instructions below). Do NOT use this method if you are trying to write a check on a bank outside of the USA; you will have to use PayPal if you are paying dues from beyond the USA. ArCH’s dues are substantially less than other organizations, because we want your global ArCH membership to be a great Value. You get a lot of bang for your buck. There is no: Local + State + National dues. Only one International dues for your membership each year.
Unless you are automatically subscribing (preferred method), your membership will be offered for renewal to you a month or so prior to your anniversary date of joining every following year, via email. You must have email to participate.
If you prefer to pay with a paper check through the mail (and your check is written on an American bank within the USA), please make your check out to: ArCH : Architects Creating Homes, LLC and mail the application fee by US Mail to:
ArCH, P.O. Box 907, Cashiers, NC 28717, USA. Please inform the ArCH Membership Manager (above) if you are choosing to pay in this manner, as your application cannot be reviewed until payment is received.