Hello ArCH Architects throughout the world.

Copyright, Rachel Burton, one of her award-winning projects that led to her being awarded the ArCH CRAfts designation.
2020 has been an interesting year. In the end, we all, as Architects, carry on. No matter who is in Washington, DC or London, or Ottawa, Architects will still be here, continuing to design homes and buildings.
ArCH= Architects Creating Homes. ArCH is all about Licensed Architects who design custom homes for their clients (and themselves). Despite differences in opinion about who should be running the politics of the various countries and offices throughout the world, Architects continue, doing their job, day in and day out.
The world’s top scientists have been working on creating The Vaccine to prevent The Virus (CV19). We all hope and pray that Vaccine will be available soon. When that happens, it is hoped that scourge will disappear.
ArCH continues, still here and into the distant future, being a source of friends, sources of information and products that will continue to assist residential Architect do their job and advance their business and manage their practice. That has not changed and never will. We are here for the long haul. Rock solid into 2021 and beyond. ArCH wishes you and your companies a healthy, happy and prosperous remainder of this year. Blessings on us all.